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When your friend or loved one has undergone a hip replacement surgery, as a caregiver, you will play an important role in his/her recovery. There are various aspects you need to be aware of to ensure the safety, comfort and recovery of the patient. Some of these include:

Home safety

Some of the changes you would need to make around the house include:

  • Pick up rugs lying around, secure loose carpets and place carpet on slippery surfaces.
  • Place all items that you regularly use well within reach.
  • Ensure that there is good lighting throughout the house and avoid floor hazards such as small objects lying around, pets, cords and uneven surfaces.
  • Do not allow the patient to lift heavy weights for about 3 months after the surgery.
  • Rearrange furniture to provide more walking space to accommodate a cane or walker.
  • Un-tuck bedding to make it easier for the patient to move in and out of bed.

Body changes

Some of the factors you may have to keep in mind about the patient’s changes in bodily functions include:

  • The patient may have a poor appetite, so ensure that they take in more fluids until their desire for solid food increases.
  • The patient may have difficulties in sleeping, but do not allow them to sleep too long during the day.
  • Provide the patient with laxatives or stool softeners to combat constipation, which is a common side effect of certain pain medications.
  • You may be advised to give your patient blood thinners to avoid blood clots in the leg.

Stocking care

Patients are prescribed special stockings to compress the veins in the legs, which will help reduce swelling and lower the chances of blood clot formation. Factors that you need to be aware of about these stockings include:

  • Make sure the patient wears the stockings continuously, removing them twice a day, for one or two hours.
  • If swelling persists, help the patient raise the leg above heart level on pillows, while lying down.
  • Inform the physician when pain or swelling in the legs increases.

Incision care

Some of the instructions that you will be given about incision care include:

  • Keep the incision dry and covered with a light dressing until the staples are removed.
  • Inform the physician if there is increased redness, drainage, odor or pain around the incision.
  • Inform the surgeon immediately if the patient’s temperature rises above 100.5°F.

Controlling pain and discomfort

Caring for the patient will include various methods of helping the patient control post-surgical pain.

  • Pain medications should be given at least 30 minutes before physical therapy.
  • You can encourage the patient to gradually reduce pain medications.
  • Use ice for about 20 minutes every hour to control pain.
  • Encourage the patient to change position every 45 minutes.

Recognizing and preventing complications

A few complications, such as dislocation, blood clots and pulmonary embolism, can be identified and prevented in the following ways:

  • Dislocation: can be identified by severe pain, shortening of leg or difficulty in walking. This can be prevented by avoiding crossing the legs, twisting and bending the hip past 90 degrees.
  • Blood clots: can be identified by swelling in the ankle, calf or thigh, and heat, pain and tenderness in the groin, back of knee or calf. This can be prevented by using compression stockings, blood thinners and walking.
  • Pulmonary embolism: A blood clot formed in a leg vein can break away and travel to the lungs causing pulmonary embolism. This is identified by sudden chest pain, rapid breathing, shortness of breath, sweating and confusion. It can be prevented with anticoagulant medications, compression stockings and physical activity which can help reduce blood clots and speed up the recovery process.
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East Longmeadow Clinical

265 Benton Dr
East Longmeadow, MA 01028

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Northampton Clinical

325B King Street
Northampton, MA 01060

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Springfield Clinical

300 Birnie Ave
Springfield, MA 01107

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East Longmeadow Physical Therapy

265 Benton Dr
East Longmeadow, MA 01028

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Feeding Hills Physical Therapy

975C Springfield St
Feeding Hills, MA 01030

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Ludlow Physical Therapy

1 Moody St
Ludlow, MA 01056

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Northampton Physical Therapy

303D King Street
Northampton, MA 01060

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Springfield Physical Therapy

300 Birnie Ave
Springfield, MA 01107

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BNEOSC Surgical Center

50 Wason Ave
Springfield, MA 01107

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